Thoughts from the Heart,  Travel,  Yummy Food

What You Give Your Body You Get Back

Hello Lovelies! So, it has been a nice hot minute since we have chatted. Had this marvelous idea that would write during the extensive travels that happened the last couple weeks, let us take a minute and laugh at that. That was a great thought but there was no real way to achieve that when it was all I could do to finish the day then crawl into bed. So everything that did not absolutely have to get done was pushed off.

One thing over the last couple weeks had a great reminder of is the fact our bodies really are a machine. What you put into it, is what you get out. If you put in junk food consistently and do not drink water the abilities of your body will suffer. Now, this is easier said than done and depends on a lot of things like money, access to quality food, and even time. It was super hard to eat anything healthier being stuck in Regan National Airport for almost twelve hours. When do not put good food in our bodies, it can suffer majorly especially if your body is already compromised. When I ate what was close to me (which in reality was a diet soda and chicken strips) it felt great for the couple hours but was not long lasting. With low blood sugar, it felt accomplishing to be able to find something that was protein.

When traveling it is super important to eat regularly like you would go about a normal routine as well. The fatigue becomes worse during extensive travel so immediately fall back on caffeine to make up for it. Coffee particularly can cause a mild diuretic so extra water is able is important to balance it out. Also trying to take it easy on the caffeine to avoid the jitters and headache which may have happened a couple of days.