Chronic illness,  Low Iodine Diet

Low Iodine Diet- My Thoughts: Day 10

When I provided the information for the low iodine diet by my endocrinologist, it looked very frightening in all honesty. A low iodine diet is used for the radioactive iodine test. It goes for typically two weeks before the test, to make sure it is as accurate as possible. The diet takes away foods that are high in iodine, the use of iodized salt, dairy, and soy products.

The list of the foods you can not eat far outstretched the foods that you are actually able to eat. This included foods which I personally considered were healthy. I cook most of my husband and I’s meals but there were certain processed foods that I relied heavily on. Such as protein bars or protein shakes as a replacement for breakfast in the mornings. One of my medications makes me extremely nauseous for the first couple of hours after taking it so I am not a big fan of breakfast in the mornings. Until this diet, I had NO idea how much I used dairy products in cooking.

On days we do not have much going on, the diet is not bad to follow. There are fantastic dishes that have a lot of flavors. But, I am not a fan some days of everything has to be homemade. It is not feasible at times. Planning ahead is crucial to make sure you do not stray from the strict guidelines. This meant making spaghetti sauce from scratch on a Saturday evening. My husband and I feel better eating like this. Because of this, I plan to use some of the recipes after the two weeks is up. The diet as a whole is not realistic to follow strictly continuously though. I am thankful now for living in the era of chicken nuggets on bad days.

With Love. <3