Self Employment,  Thoughts from the Heart

Happy One Year of Self Employment to Me

Wow! This week celebrates one year of complete self-employment for me. Navigating those early stages of being self-employed is challenging, let alone trying to accomplish that in the midst of a national and global crisis. When I left my job I was not only leaving the comfort of a stable job but I completely switched career fields. There was definitely a mix of emotions in doing this. I had just spent a ton of time and money getting a degree in the field I was leaving, was this normal? Being the first one in my family to attend college this felt even more uncomfortable. It was ingrained in me to get a degree then get a job with it. The idea of leaving had come six months before I actually left corporate, so I spent those months planning and working it on a part time basis. This meant a lot of late nights and working way more than I should have been, but it meant everything when I was able to give my notice. My corporate job was nothing except negatively impacting me. The steady paycheck was nice, yes, but not worth it. 

 I have learned in the past year that work and being successful does not have to be defined as climbing a corporate ladder. Or finishing the master’s degree I was halfway through. That sometimes the healthiest thing one can do is to walk away from things instead of digging their heels in to try and see them through. Successful now looked to be a fresh beginning pursuing a career that I enjoyed. It also meant that it was okay to have a very non traditional work schedule. A year of self employment has taught me how important it is to be able to pivot quickly in what you are working on and multitasking in an entire new way. This past year has taught me to find what you enjoy and make a plan to work for it that others may not understand and that it is okay to find your own path. Give yourself permission to find what you enjoy and makes you happy. 

With love,