About Me

photo by Four Seasons Photography

Hello, Lovelies! My name is Liz and I am so excited you are here. I am a millennial and Hot Cheeto lover that lives in the Southern United States who has battled with chronic illnesses my entire life. Also as a published model, actor, and voice over actor balancing life and my symptoms. Growing up, I felt out of place at times. As I was going through things with my health that affected my life not everyone could relate to. Found enjoyment and peace through nerdy tv shows and movies such as the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Game of Thrones, and Lord of the Rings.

Here to provide a look into trying to navigate life and through having the added obstacles of chronic illnesses and everything those bring. I have a Heinz 57 combo so to speak of medical conditions, where some affect my daily life and some do not. 🙂 Hope to provide you some light humor, great tips, and tricks about life. Overall be a support system for other chronically ill women or moms of chronically ill children who need someone who understand the struggle and triumphs.

~Much love,
