Thoughts from the Heart

Thoughts regarding life in general and life with chronic illness

  • Self Employment,  Thoughts from the Heart

    Happy One Year of Self Employment to Me

    Wow! This week celebrates one year of complete self-employment for me. Navigating those early stages of being self-employed is challenging, let alone trying to accomplish that in the midst of a national and global crisis. When I left my job I was not only leaving the comfort of a stable job but I completely switched career fields. There was definitely a mix of emotions in doing this. I had just spent a ton of time and money getting a degree in the field I was leaving, was this normal? Being the first one in my family to attend college this felt even more uncomfortable. It was ingrained in me to…

  • Thoughts from the Heart

    Readjusting Goals and Expectations

    It is almost two months into 2020, the new decade how are your goals holding up? Did you write goals for the new year? Hopefully, you are accomplishing some or all of your goals. A roadblock with goals at times when you have a chronic illness is that your best is at times ever-changing. Some days it is achievable to be able to accomplish everything on your to-do list. However, there are the days in between where it is a feat to take a shower. When your good days and bad days can vary greatly, it can be frustrating to feel like you are accomplishing your goals. Expectations did not…

  • Thoughts from the Heart

    Stepping Away For Sanity

    Have you ever come to a point in life where you are one step away from just losing your crap? Where everything thing that happens grates on your nerves like there is no tomorrow? Yep, I have been living that for the last little bit. We all just loveee to post on social media like we are the perfected image of sunshine and puppies but that is not how life works. That is not how our emotions work either. As a perfectionist on top of it, I have this overwhelming urge to ensure a “perfected image.” That is NOT healthy. After a hardcore reality check of having health problem after…

  • Thoughts from the Heart

    4 Things I Learned Growing Up With Chronic Illness

    When you hear some people talk about the transition phase for when they become diagnosed with a chronic illness, they talk about how hard it is getting used to their new self. I could not imagine living a “normal” life, then suddenly that comes to a screeching halt. My experience is not that, for I truly do not remember a time without any of my illnesses and I am just in my mid-20s.

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  • Thoughts from the Heart,  Travel,  Yummy Food

    What You Give Your Body You Get Back

    Hello Lovelies! So, it has been a nice hot minute since we have chatted. Had this marvelous idea that would write during the extensive travels that happened the last couple weeks, let us take a minute and laugh at that. That was a great thought but there was no real way to achieve that when it was all I could do to finish the day then crawl into bed. So everything that did not absolutely have to get done was pushed off. One thing over the last couple weeks had a great reminder of is the fact our bodies really are a machine. What you put into it, is what…