
All things travel from tips on traveling to snippets of places have gotten to go.

  • Travel

    Travel Tip: Rest When You are Able

    Resting is easier said than done especially when you always have to busy doing something like me. But it is much needed, in everyone’s life and even more important while traveling. Turning down opportunities to go out into the city you are visiting and explore a new site or going out with friends or family can be difficult. It crosses your mind that there is only a certain amount of time in this area so you want to do as much as possible. Rest does not always mean going to sleep. While having appropriate amounts of sleep is much encouraged, sometimes rest means different things. For myself, rest can be…

  • Thoughts from the Heart,  Travel,  Yummy Food

    What You Give Your Body You Get Back

    Hello Lovelies! So, it has been a nice hot minute since we have chatted. Had this marvelous idea that would write during the extensive travels that happened the last couple weeks, let us take a minute and laugh at that. That was a great thought but there was no real way to achieve that when it was all I could do to finish the day then crawl into bed. So everything that did not absolutely have to get done was pushed off. One thing over the last couple weeks had a great reminder of is the fact our bodies really are a machine. What you put into it, is what…

  • Travel

    Summer Travels

    3,650 split up between multiple trips in two and half weeks! Yep you read that right. After Memorial Day, it seems everyone’s traveling picks up dramatically including my own. Traveling can be hard on anyone let alone if you have chronic illness. It can be difficult to maintain a sense of normalcy during this as well as not feel run down. So for the next little bit, I will be sharing different tricks and ideas that have assisted me to be as healthy as possible during this crrrrazy traveling time! Hopefully, they can assist you when life hits you with traveling excessively. The number one thing can recommend though: REST.…