3 Things I Wish I Had Known Before the Radioactive Iodine Test
A radioactive iodine test is a medical test used to measure thyroid uptake to detect possible thyroid problems like hyperthyroidism. There is pretty extensive preparation that is required for it to be accurate. After completing the test and prep, here are a few things I wish I had known about the radioactive iodine test. Read through the information they provide about it thoroughly. There are more restrictions to the diet than you think, such as no soy products. (Which are often used as a dairy replacement). Also, there is a host of medications that one is not allowed to take at differing times. That’s what prolonged me being able to…
4 Things I Learned Growing Up With Chronic Illness
When you hear some people talk about the transition phase for when they become diagnosed with a chronic illness, they talk about how hard it is getting used to their new self. I could not imagine living a “normal” life, then suddenly that comes to a screeching halt. My experience is not that, for I truly do not remember a time without any of my illnesses and I am just in my mid-20s.
Summer Travels
3,650 split up between multiple trips in two and half weeks! Yep you read that right. After Memorial Day, it seems everyone’s traveling picks up dramatically including my own. Traveling can be hard on anyone let alone if you have chronic illness. It can be difficult to maintain a sense of normalcy during this as well as not feel run down. So for the next little bit, I will be sharing different tricks and ideas that have assisted me to be as healthy as possible during this crrrrazy traveling time! Hopefully, they can assist you when life hits you with traveling excessively. The number one thing can recommend though: REST.…