Rare Disease Day
February 29th is Rare Disease Day! Five Percent of the world has a rare disease of some kind. We are the zebras, so to speak. There is a saying in the medical community that says when you hear hoofbeats think horses not zebras. This tells the professionals think of the “normal” patient, course of treatment, etc. Those of us with a rare disease do not fall under the normal realm. So we are given the term Zebra. It is important to understand what this means given your, your friend, or your family member’s illness. The rare disease that I have is called a primary immunodeficiency. This means that I was…
4 Things I Learned Growing Up With Chronic Illness
When you hear some people talk about the transition phase for when they become diagnosed with a chronic illness, they talk about how hard it is getting used to their new self. I could not imagine living a “normal” life, then suddenly that comes to a screeching halt. My experience is not that, for I truly do not remember a time without any of my illnesses and I am just in my mid-20s.